How to Install Roof Shingles

You can save money by learning how to install roof tiles yourself. It will also give you a feeling of accomplishment. Clear the area before you begin to work on the roof of any obstacles that may fall or poke at you. Spread tarps on any plants that are near the house.


There are many things to consider when installing a roof or replacing one that is already there. It is a time-consuming and difficult process that can be dangerous if you don't take the right precautions. Wear a helmet when you work on your roof and use a harness. Be sure to buy enough roofing materials, so that you do not run out of them before you finish.

Remove any existing shingles from your roof before you start laying new ones. Replace the flashing if necessary. Install metal panels in places where water is an issue, like around chimneys or attic vents. Along the peak of your roof, you will need to install ridge caps shingles. The corner of each shingle can be dubbed, or cut, to help divert the water away from the edge. Be aware that architectural shingles are nailed differently than traditional shingles. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for nail placement.

Laying the Felt Paper

This step is important because it will create a waterproof layer between the roof and the shingles. The underlayment, which is also called tar paper or roofing felt, is typically made from this material. The underlayment is nailed with galvanized roofing staples or one-inch roofing nail driven by an electric stapler or a hammer tacker.

Starting at the bottom, work your way up. Overlap each strip by a couple of inches. You can reach the roof's bottom using a ladder if you need to. The first strip (also called the starter course) should be about half an inch longer than the drip edge.

As you climb the roof, you can use horizontal chalk lines to keep your courses straight. Place rubber boots over any vent pipes, obstacles or other obstructions that may come into contact with shingles above them. Ensure that the flashings are properly attached to these items.

Installing Shingles

By taking the time to install your roof shingles correctly, you can ensure that your home is protected by a water-resistant barrier. The wrong installation can cause leaks, and void warranties.

The manufacturer's instructions for nailing are the best way to ensure a proper installation. Hammer a 2 inch nail at each end of each shingle, and then secure another nail 1 inch above the cutout. The next layer of shingles will cover the nails and ends, creating a seal.

Use horizontal chalk lines as a guide to continue laying shingle course across the roof. Nail the shingles in place by aligning them. Install a self-sealing strip underlayment at the hip or ridge and then cover it with a full shingle. If shingles are meeting at the hip, overlap them by four inches and cover any exposed nailheads using roofing cement. Install a cap when shingles reach ridge and repeat the pattern on the other side.

Finalizing Your Project

Even though a roof can be one of the hardest parts of a home to work on, an experienced DIYer can learn how to lay roof tiles. It's important to remember that improper installation could result in voiding warranties and leaking.

Prepare the area for work. Remove any plants or debris that may cause a trip hazard. Spread tarps on any fragile plants, and move any yard games from your home.

Use safety ropes, a harness and toe-steps when working on steep slopes. Roof jacks are also a good idea to help you navigate your roof.

As you work your way across the roof, lay out shingle courses. To avoid leaks and damage, shingle manufacturers provide specific instructions on where to place nails. Owens Corning Duration Shingles, for example, require four nails to achieve their maximum wind warranty.

Flat Roof Companies

Roofing Baltimore

Baltimore roofer

Flat Roof Company

Fort Smallwood Road Unit 2, Baltimore, MD 21226


You can save money by learning how to install roof tiles yourself. It will also give you a feeling of accomplishment. Clear the area before you begin to work on the roof of any obstacles that may fall or poke at you. Spread tarps on any plants that are near the house. Preparation There are…